We added 6 new avatars:
Joker Avatar (Male/Female)
Neon Phoenix (Male/Female)
Halloween Avatar 2024 (Male/Female)
White Sultan (Male/Female)
Efsane Dress (Male/Female)
Viking Dress (Male/Female)
We added Model Switcher for Weapons and Shield from D12 to D16 All this you can find in Jangan at Donate NPC
We added a new event called Zealout event. You can register for this event every day at 9 PM, find where to register at the global in Jangan.
It will be up and running soon.
You'll be sent to Jupiter Temple.
You can only enter this event if you're under job.
Party teams are awarded 200 silk/team Prizes for the most kills.
1st place will take 300 silk,20 arena coin, 50 silver coin.
2nd place will get 200 silk,15 arena coin, 30 silver coin.
3rd place will get 100 silk,10 arena coin,20 silver coin.
In that arena you also have some uniques that you have to kill (BAAL,JUPITER...) on which you will receive silk